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Not like we’re ever going to step foot into a gym, but check out the amazing thing they did!!!

Our hearts are warmed by the staff at Planet Fitness!! Here’s what happened.

A woman from Michigan, Yvette Cormier, had her membership revoked from the gym after she complained that someone, that someone being a transgender who identifies as a woman, was “dressed like a man” in the women’s change room, who she described as “huge” and “very manly”. She said this to the man at the front desk


“[The man at the front desk] said, ‘We’ve had lots of complaints about him but we told him to go change in a stall.’ He said, ‘If you’re uncomfortable with that you can wait until he’s done in there.’ I stood back and said, ‘How about he waits until I’m done in the women’s locker room. Or get a unisex bathroom.’ He asked if I would like to talk to the manager and I said, ‘I’m calling corporate.”


Corporate told her there’s is nothing they can do, as they don’t discriminate against people because of gender equality. Cormier then went to the other women in the locker room about her encounter, and says the others were “just as appalled” as her. Thats when Planet Fitness evoked her membership.




Director of Public Relations, McCall Gosselin, says;


“[Planet Fitness is] committed to creating a non-intimidating, welcoming environment for our members. Our gender identity non-discrimination policy states that members and guests may use all gym facilities based on their sincere self-reported gender identity.

The manner in which this member expressed her concerns about the policy exhibited behavior that management at the Midland club deemed inappropriate and disruptive to other members, which is a violation of the membership agreement and as a result her membership was cancelled.

As our statement outlines, her membership was not cancelled as a result of complaints about our policy, as we welcome all feedback from our members. Rather, it was the manner in which her concerns were expressed that club management felt was inappropriate, which resulted in the cancellation.”


Some people have mixed feelings about whether or not the woman should have revoked her membership, but if she’s causing someone to feel uncomfortable, that’s not acceptable. Gyms should make EVERYONE feel welcome!!!

You GO Planet Fitness!!!!!







(Photos via Anthony92931)