The parents of Lincoln Middle School students, Chase Vazquiez, Miles Rodriguez and Scooter Terrein should be very proud of what their children did for their classmate Desiree Andrews. Check out the story. 


Meet Desiree Andrews.


She is a student at Lincoln Middle School in Wisconsin and cheerleader for the basketball team; Desiree has Down Syndrome.


At a recent game, she became the target of disgusting insults from kids in the audience. Three members of the basketball team, Vasquiez, Rodrigquez, and Terrein overheard the comments and did something very special: They walked off the court and defended her.


Rodriquez says, “So when I heard they were talking about her like, it kind of like made me mad.”


Vasquiez says, “The kids in the audience were picking on Dee, so we all stepped forward.” 


Terrein added, “It’s not fair when other people get treated wrong because we’re all the same. We’re all created the same. God made us the same way.”


The boys now make sure Desiree never walks around the school alone and help her feel very special every single day.


Here’s a video report on this incredible story.

(images via jrn.com)