
Have you ever wondered what your partner’s number is???

Have you ever had the convo with your partner about what each other’s number is? Think it would be a bit awkward???




Elite Daily decided to get couples together and have them tell their partner what their number is. At first a lot of people didn’t want to share what their number was and some didn’t want to know what their partners number was.


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The best thing was a lot of the guys gave reasons before they told their number like it was in college, I was adventurous, I just wanted to see what was out there and some other reasons to explain why their number was so high.


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No matter if the guy or the girl went first they all started off by saying “about” they didn’t just say what their number is they had to say “well…. about 20”




The question is do you really care what your partner’s number is?  All that matters is that they are with you now, who CARES what happens before you were together!




(images via geraltbelleofthelibraryElite Dailyiamaserver )