dog1If you didn’t already have enough reasons to love man’s best-friend, how about the possibility that dogs help keep your insides healthy too!?Dr. Kim Kelly from the University of Arizona, along with researches from the University of San Diego have raised an interesting question. Do dogs have more than just an emotional, mental and kinetic benefit to humans? Dr. Kelly and her fellow researchers believe your pup’s gut may help your gut out!


Over the tens of thousands of years we and dogs have been hanging out, we’ve laughed together, cried together and evolved together. Over that time, Dr. Kelly believes that we have developed a ‘probiotics exchange program.’ Simplified, when your dog licks you, bacteria from their insides transfers over to you and helps your insides become stronger!


This germ exchange seems to really benefit children (helping fight illness and allergies), but what Dr. Kelly and her fellow researchers want know is if dogs are have a similar probiotic effect on older people and if we are having a positive effect on dogs. Either way, it seems we have a closer bond with dogs than ever before!



(Images via Youtube/Tiger Productions, funnyplox, Sam