
The international supermodel says she would ‘rather die’ than play the ‘sexy girlfriend’ in a movie!

The tailer for Paper Towns came out this month, and since then more and more people are starting to recognize Cara Delevingne is equally as talented at acting as she is at modelling, but she didn’t always think that her acting career would make it this far…




She spoke out and said “The first time I did Fashion Week, I was like: Right, I might as well give up on acting because I’m screwed. And as soon as I became a model, I was being sent typecasting roles as the stupid blonde who gets killed really quickly, or the sexy girlfriend, or whatever. Roles I would rather die than play. I was ready to give up on it. Or not give up, but take a break. When I finally got a serious role to audition for, I cried on the phone, I was so happy. Not even a film, just an audition.”

Even though she has a reputation of being strong and independent, film producers didn’t see her as that. “And every movie I’ve done I’ve had to fight for lines and fight for point of view. Usually it’s a male director, male producers. It’s all very much a man’s point of view. I speak up and say ‘Girls don’t do that,’ or ‘That’s not something a girl would say in that situation.’ It’s about how men perceive women and it’s not accurate, and it annoys me! I don’t think people speak up enough. Even if I’m wrong, even if I get shut down, I know that I’ve done my part to get a woman’s voice out there. It’s important that when girls watch movies they’ve got strong female role models.”

YEAH, GIRL! We can’t ever pass up an opportunity for more feminism in the media industry!!




“Right now I’m playing a super villain (Enchantress in the upcoming Suicide Squad). I don’t want to take roles that don’t make me want to cry or don’t inspire me. I want to feel that I would pay a lot of money to play the role that I’m playing.”

With all the hype surrounding John Green’s previous film mixed with all the hype surrounding her upcoming projects, Cara is sure to score major points with future casting directors after Paper Towns is released!!

Check out the trailer below.





(Images via Twentieth Century Fox, Cara Delevingne Instagram)