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The crew behind Super Troopers have started a crowd funding campaign in the hopes to raise $2 Million and make a sequel to the cult classic.

If you were a fan of Super Troopers AKA a human being who lives on earth, you’ll be excited to hear that there could be a Super Troopers 2. The time is meow, to start donating to their Indiegogo campaign (HERE) and help raise the $2 Million needed to make the film. They have already raised over $500,000!



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The best part, the perks you can get if you donate, which include keeping the patrol car from the movie, or having the troopers at your wedding!


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Check out some of the other amazing perks you can get if you get if you donate to the cause.


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If you haven’t given all of your life savings already, head here now.




(Images via Fox Searchlight, Super Troopers 2 Indiegogo)