
Her fake boobs, that is!!

When celebs lie about their implants, it’s annoying. WE CAN ALL SEE THAT SOMETHING IS DIFFERENT. Iggy Azalea was totally on the same page. In an interview with Vogue, she came out and flat out said “I did change something: Four months ago, I got bigger boobs! I’d thought about it my entire life.”

Hey, if a girl genuinely wants bigger boobs (and she’s making what Iggy makes), she’s allowed to get bigger boobs. “It’s about proportion,” she explains. “I have to have everything tailored because I have such a small waist. I’m a 2 or a 0 on the top, and a 6 on the bottom.” 

Ladies, you can agree; boobs have to power to make everything difficult.

When asked if she had butt implants, this is probably what Iggy had to say:



Jokes aside, finally a celebrity who is REAL about why they’re appearance is the way it is. At least by coming forward she isn’t keeping secrets from fans, and she isn’t making young girls feel like they’re expected to have a perfect body like hers. Iggy just scored some major points.

Watch Iggy’s 73 Questions with Vogue below.





(Image via Vogue)