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If you’ve ever been worried about your partner cheating, DO NOT do what this woman did…

This is the perfect story to prove you should NEVER jump to conclusions. An extremely jealous girlfriend took revenge into her own hands when she THOUGHT her boyfriend was cheating. And if you’ve ever been a jealous partner, you KNOW how good revenge feels…




After her boyfriend didn’t return home after an hour, like he said he would, Li Tan (the jealous girlfriend) decided it would be a genius idea to stick sanitary pads to his boyfriends car!!! YEAH. We’re serious. Take a look….


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She even posted the photos with the caption, “Thats right, I did it!!”. But what Li Tan didn’t know, was that her loving boyfriend, De Wu, was really planning her a surprise party!!!




Ya dun goofed, Li Tan!!!! Buuuut, all is well now. De Wu didn’t take the car massacring TOO harsh, and they’re still happily together.





(Photos via The Hollywood Gossip, Daily Mail)