The playoffs begin for the over-30 basketball league Aug. 4 at the fitness center here. The championship game is scheduled to take place Aug. 10 at the fitness center gym here.

All Basketball players have their last names on their jerseys, BUT this guy’s last name is stirring the pot!!

Coach Craig Price’s of the Medicine Hat College basketball team is getting an earful about on of his players last name. Guilherme last name is spelt F*** but it is not pronounced the same way we pronounce it.




F*** wants his name on the back of his jersey just like everyone else but a lot of people aren’t okay with it. At his old school he has to put his middle name on the back of his jersey but he WANTS his last name on the back of his jersey. “It’s my last name, I’m proud of it. Doesn’t matter if it means something bad.”


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His last name is German for fox and he always wished of having his name on his jersey “I want to have kids I want to spread the F*** last name.” 




His coach Price understands how important his name is to him “Going into this season it was our intention to use his middle name … and avoid controversy, But then it became apparent this was extremely important to him. His last name is very important to him.”

People don’t understand how important last names are to them until they are taken away from them.

We’re proud of Guilherme F*** for standing up for what he believes in!!



(images via Airman 1st Class Kerelin Molina, 7ReiskaDavidNelsonNews, nationalpost)