
If you want to live forever all you have to do is have A LOT of money and follow a certain diet!!

Ray Kurzweil the Google’s director of engineering. is fighting all diseases and age related conditions that can happen in his lifetime. He is 67 but due to his strict diet and the pills that he takes he is confident that he will live FOREVER!




His usual breakfast is berries , smoked salmon and mackerel , dark chocolate infused with espresso , vanilla soy milk, porridge and green tea.

But the real secret that he uses to “cheat” is taking 100 pills A DAY!!!! Thats 30 in the morning and 70 at night. That is INSANE!!!!!




The CRAZIER thing it that it costs $1,000 per day!!!!!!


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I don’t know who would want to live forever, especially if they want to live forever starting at the age of 67!!!!!!!!



(images via wikkicommons, redditperezhiltonDigimortalGod)