
And we just threw all of our technology out the window.

This has got to be the creepiest and most unnecessary use of technology ever. Or the best use of technology. We haven’t quite figured out which one it is yet.

Introducing Night Terrors, the Indiegogo-funded augmented reality game app that you play at night. With terrors. And probably bed wetting.

Night Terrors is dubbed as the coolest game ever, that you shouldn’t want to play! Night Terrors uses your phone camera to make a map of your home or apartment and inserts ghosts and demons on your phone. In an insanely life-like way. ALSO it scans your art and furniture and moves it all around – just thinking about the paranormal activity has me all uneasy.


The game cant be purchased yet – only preordered HERE! If anyone actually tries Night Terrors when it comes out and you DON’T go into eternal paralysis from fear, then let us know how it is! We’re just too busy to try it out…not scared…pft…pft…



(Image via  Novum Analytics)