
Drake’s probably crying somewhere right now.

Everybody’s asked Drake what HE thought of his kiss from Madonna (probably because she’s the one who said she WANTED to do it), but nobody has asked Madonna… Until now!!!




While Madonna was drinking wine, doing a Q&A in her (insanely beautiful) bathroom for Saturday Night Online, as a normal human being would do, one fan asked Madonna if the 6 God was a good kisser (2:10)… Her response?


“You asked the million dollar question, I kissed a girl and I liked it.”




Some have said it wasn’t really a diss, but theres more. A few minutes later in the Q&A (7:58), another fan asked Madonna if there was any advice she would give to her younger self. Madonna pours herself a glass of wine, looks in the camera and says:


“Don’t kiss Drake. No matter how many times he begs you to.”



So Drake begged her to kiss him? Kind of strange considering on the 25 Things You Didn’t Know About Madonna, number 16 was:


“16. The lifelong ambition I still want to fulfill is to go on a dream date with Drake — and only kiss him.”


We’re calling your bluff Madonna!!

Check out the video below and see for yourself!






(Images via Saturday Night Online)