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DJ Diplo took to Twitter in order to SLAM Zedd’s new album!!

As many of you may already know, Zedd released his much anticipated album True Colours earlier this week on Tuesday. Diplo was one of the firsts to give his review on the album. Here’s what he tweeted.


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While this tweet has since been deleted, we are still surprised at this DJ’s hurtful comment toward his fellow artist. Too bad the internet saves EVERYTHING!!!!




However, Diplo has also been known to take jabs at other artists including our beloved Taylor Swift. Once again using twitter as his platform he tweeted…

“Someone should make a kickstarter to get taylor swift a booty.”

Clearly he just loves causing trouble!!




Alright Diplo, let’s try spreading the love for once!!!





(Images via Wikipedia, Twitter, Tumblr, Giphy)