
Kaitlyn Bristowe has been slut shamed and apparently it’s “really hard”… *cue sad music*

It’s no secret that Kaitlyn Bristowe got a little frisky with one of the contestants during the show, but now she is having to deal with the repercussions from it. Bristowe told People in an interview…

“I knew there were going to be magazines with crazy headlines. I prepared myself. I definitely have tough skin, but when people are calling you names like a slut, it hurts. It’s been really hard.”

…… it’s been “really hard”




OKAY, yes, we understand that no one should be called a slut (or any other mean name), but if you can’t handle the flames, then don’t light the fire!!! She did make a good point, however, when she said…

“How is this still an issue where if a woman [has sex], it’s wrong, and if a man does, it’s right? To me, it wasn’t some crazy negative thing I was doing. If somebody was friends with somebody and they knew that they had sex in a relationship, they wouldn’t go on social media and start slut-shaming them.”




Too bad you’re not just sharing your sex life with your friends…you’re sharing it with THE WORLD!


The Bachlorette airs Monday at 8pm on City!




(Images via City, The Tattooist, Tumblr)