
All Maurie wanted from Roz for his birthday was for him to read a poem.

Knowing he would forget, Maurie wrote it for him, so it’s like a birthday poem from Roz to Maurie written by Maurie.

The most epic and funny poem Roz never wrote!


Here’s the poem!!!


Eggs n bacon 

How I truly feel is heartier than any meal

Eggs, bacon and toast – I promise this won’t be a roast

We laugh, cry and smirk sometimes I’m such a jerk

It’s hard for me to care about much more than my amazing hair

C’mon you know that’s fair!

You make my body tingle with every belly wiggle –  when I look into your eyes I never wanna say bye

I must admit to my buddy damnit – on this the day of your birth – despite your girth – you’re in my life … Not my wife ….

On this 10th day of june… My gift to you is the promise that one day we will spoon