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Just what we need, another Courtney Stodden!!

Is Courtney Stoddens mother the new Angelina Jolie?!?!




Okay, no. But kind of close? She’s adopting!!!! And before you go cheering around a camp fire for her, just know she wants to adopt a 42 year old comedian named John Kerwin.. Yeah.




We’re thinking maybe this is why Courtney is a little messed up??? Okay, this is definitely why.

Krista Keller, Courtney’s mom, manages Kerwin as a client, but wants to adopt him since he lost his own mother 4 years ago.

AND Keller has a ton of free time now that she doesn’t manage her daughter NOR are they on speaking terms, so what an amazing idea to adopt on of your clients!!!! #Momager4Life







(Photos via Daily Mail)