best cover

Move over Kate Upton, Miss Diva’s taking over Game of War!!

Mariah Carey will be the new face of Game of War: Fire Age!

The producers of the game have signed a seven figure deal with Mariah, who’s replacing Kate Upton! Carey will shoot a 30 second commercial, along with other promotional pieces. 




Some of you may be familiar with Kate Upton’s commercials for the smartphone app game, as Athena Goddess of War, with the (hard-to-miss) breastplate!



The company has already spent $40 million on advertisements involving Kate.

But Mariah is a bigger star than the supermodel… and one of the main things that sold them on the singer, is that her songs will be part of the spot!!




So prepare yourselves for (possibly) the ultimate battle for domination very soon…..


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(Images via mariahcarey Instagram, gameofwar Instagram, The Daily Mail).