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A 3-year-old was racially abused by a women who thought Queen Elsa should be white and NOT black…………… (People these days…right?)

Rachel Muir, mother of 3-year-old Samara, said that her daughter was racially abused by a mother and her child for dressing up as “Frozen’s” Elsa at one of Disney’s events in Australia. The women approached Muir and her daughter Samara, telling them they didn’t understand why she dressed up since Anna & Elsa aren’t black.



When Muir talked about the incident she said

“I asked the women what she meant by the comment and then one the woman’s young daughters screwed up her face, she pointed at Samara and said, ‘You’re black and black is ugly’.”




The incident made Samara point to her skin and ask her mother why it was black…. Muir responded to her saying…

“I told her ‘because God gave you that skin colour, because you’re a proud blackfella like mum’.”

Muir then complained to shopping centre’s management and they deemed the situation “Unacceptable.” What came next for Samara was actually very wonderful however as she was crowed “Queen” by many Australians!!!


Interview with Queen SamaraWe surprise the 3 year-old girl & her mum who were subject to racial abuse at a Disney event #QueenSamara #TheProjectTV

Posted by The Project on Friday, June 19, 2015



(Images via Facebook, Giphy)