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Louis from 1D has a BABY MAMMA!!!!!

Do you hear that sound?!? OH it’s the sound of all One Direction fans crying their little hearts out… THE REASON?!?!? Louis is going to be a daddy!!!!!!




Louis and Briana, both 23, went on a few dates in May after Louis broke up with his long time girlfriend and well… the rest is history. A friend of the celebs told the sun

“Louis is really excited about becoming a dad. It was obviously a surprise but they are both really happy. Louis and Briana have spent a lot of time together and are really close. Louis really cares about Briana and thinks she will be a great mum. Their friendship has got even stronger though this.”

Live feed of 1D fans right now:






BUT there is light at the end of this dark, dark tunnel because the two are not in a relationship!! His sources say he cares deeply about Briana, however, they are just good friends! One source said

“Although they aren’t in a relationship they have a strong bond and are both focused on the baby.”

SO there is still hope for all you single ladies!! AND the BIG question??? Can you be in a boy band if you have a little boy?!?!? (or girl!!)




(Images via instagram)