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You can now restrict people from seeing your videos by age and gender!!

“Whatever mom, you can’t watch my Facebook videos anymore!!!” (Every angsty teen ever)




Facebook is introducing new features that give people, advertisers or publishers more control over who sees their videos. You can now restrict who sees your video by age and gender in addition to the location and language control setttings that already exist. This is part of an ongoing effort to stay competitive with Youtube as a video platform.




Facebook’s video business has exploded over the last year, quadrupling its traffic and reaching over 4 billion views PER DAY!!!! Facebook is making this change to allow for more customized ads, which means they can make the advertisers cough up more money.




The social media site started testing commercial break-like ads that appear between a series of videos watched one after the other. The company is hoping that watchers will sit down and view a string of videos in one sitting, in order to allow for a fully fledged video platform…. Facebook, you clearly underestimate our abilities to sit and watch videos for hours on end without moving!!!




You have nothing to worry about!!



(Images via Facebook)