F4 head

All it took was one tweet from the director!

The new Fantastic Four movie just came out, and already it’s gotten some pretty bad reviews!

Rotten Tomatoes has already given it a 10% and the critics’s comments aren’t so nice – calling it slow and a boring recreation of the famous superhero quartet.


Although previously seen all smiles at the L.A. screening (left), with Dr. Doom, the director of the film, Josh Trank later took the (unexpected) opportunity to slam his OWN work!


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Trank tweeted out his displeasure with the film, expressing the “coulda’s and woulda’s.” He quickly deleted it, but not before someone got a screenshot of it!





Not cool dude. Gotta respect and support your own movie!

Despite the talented ensemble of Kate Mara, Jamie Bell, Miles Teller and Michael B. Jordan, it seems like Fantastic Four is a fantastic flop!






(Images via FantasticFour, Instagram)