dog 3This. Is. Brilliant. (and incredibly cute) Are you in a relationship or married.. and have no children? You must know the absolutely irritating question then of “So.. when are you two planning to have kids?” Everyone from in-laws to friends to complete strangers feel entitled to ask this, and it can certainly get redundant.. and this couple had enough.

These two had gotten so tired of being asked the baby question, that they decided to do something about it. They hired photographer Elisha Minnette to capture photos with their puppy in the “Welcome our newborn” kind of style.


dog 1

Photo from Elisha Minnette Facebook 


dog 2

Photo from Elisha Minnette Facebook  dog 3

Photo from Elisha Minnette Facebook  dog 4

Photo from Elisha Minnette Facebook  dog 5



Photo from Elisha Minnette Facebook