
It should be the insurance company facing trial!!!!

South Lyon, Michigan resident Brian Randolph is in police custody after attempting to rob a Vibe Credit Union in his hometown. What makes this story very different from the average bank robbery is the motive Brian Randolph had for committing the crime. Brian’s one-year-old daughter Brailynn, has a potentially deadly form of eye cancer called retinablastoma.

Brian’s health insurance company abruptly cancelled on him in the middle of his daughter’s treatment and stopped answering calls from Brian and his daughter’s mother. Without the insurance, Brian could no longer pay for his daughter’s expensive chemotherapy treatments. After a failed GoFundMe campaign Brian was left with no other options than to literally ROB A BANK.

And now, Brian is facing life in prison, for doing the only thing he could do to save his daughter’s life.


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Seems fair right?? NO!!!


The fact that Brian Randolph is on trial and the insurance company gets away with the crime they committed showcases everything wrong with the U.S. legal and healthcare systems. Hopefully the judge sees that Brian came from a place of desperation and gives him a reduced sentence. We’re definitely on his side.




(Images via Flickr, Giphy)