SHOWstudio / YouTube
SHOWstudio / YouTube

Kanye sat down for a two hour interview with SHOWstudio and it is two hours of pure Yeezus Gold.

SHOWStudio was lucky enough to have 2020 presidential candidate Kanye West for an incredible two hour interview. Unexpectedly, Kanye said a lot, here some of his thoughts:


On his Yeezy sneakers:

“Is there a time when he can go on the Internet and find a shoe people want more than my shoes? Well, go fuck yourself then if it isn’t, and don’t ask me stupid shit like that again.”


Is he Kanye a feminist?:

“Is that a party? I was raised majority by my mom. My dad was around, but I think I fight for the importance of any community that is not being properly accredited. Here’s the thing: I love, and this statement is going to sound kind of gay, but I love older white men. If you’re not an older white man, you’re not running shit. It’s always going to be a fight for anyone who isn’t an older white man. I want to fight for anyone who doesn’t have a fight.”


Kanye Hates the Colour Blue:

“I don’t use blue. I don’t like it. It bugs me out. I hate it.”


On Bruce Becoming Caitlyn:

“You know the first thing I did think about is I thought about black radio hosts maybe, possibly, making jokes about it because the black culture is generally so homophobic.” He recalls predicting the “news cycle” would have something to say about “this rapper has this transgender person in his family. But then it was like, ‘F*ck what people say. F*ck what people think.”


He Thinks Everyone is Laughing at Him:

“That’s the critics. Me sitting here trying my absolutely hardest, and everyone just laughing at me. But then I work with Nick Knight, and the fashion world says, ‘Oh, he’s working with Nick,’ or Riccardo [Tisci] says, ‘No, you can’t talk about Kim, that’s my friend,’ and then the fashion world is like, ‘Oh…well, do you think that we can capitalize off this in some way?’ ”


On the Word Humble:

“If we go on your iPhone and go to the dictionary and look up humble, 80 percent of the definition is negative. It’s a controlling word. It’s a way to control the masses and to control the sheep.”


He’s Pretty Chill With His Life:

“Of course, I worry about raising kids in the public eye, but there are people who can’t feed their kids. I’m alive. I’m breathing. We did a show. It’s selling. We’re doing a second season. I don’t have no problems.”


On Racism: 

“If you’re born black, if you make it to something like the Met Ball or the Grammys, most likely you’ve done 10 times the amount of everyone else there to get there.”

On Being a Daddy:

“Three years ago, after this interview, I would have been on a train back to Paris to see the last of the shows and get that inspiration and this and that. Now I’m on the first flight back to see my greatest inspiration—and that’s my daughter … Having a family, period, has completely made me rethink the way I rap.”

On Being a College Dropout:
“I think I would be further and more dangerous [finishing school]. Education is important. I’m envious of people who have read multiple novels and multiple philosophy books. I wish I had more information. I’m thirsty for knowledge.”


And then he calls himself Michelangelo:

“Of course. I’m Michelangelo. Of course. There was a time when I’m sure there were people who were sculpting better than him. But he made David. So as far as that question goes, is there a time when he can go on the Internet and find a shoe people want more than my shoes? Well, go fuck yourself then if it isn’t, and don’t ask me stupid shit like that again.”


Get some popcorn and check out much, much more in the interview below!