Philippe Morgese  Facebook
Philippe Morgese Facebook

Philippe Moregese has become known on Facebook for the fun designs he does with his daughter’s hair; he decided he wanted to give other father’s the chance to bond with their daughter’s in the same way he has with his.

Philippe, from Daytona, Florida, created a hair class called “Dads and Daughters”, designed to help fathers learn about doing hair.


We had a prison guard, mechanic, general contractor, ATT tech, Apple tech, healthcare recruiter and a carpenter,” Philippe said. “Definitely out of their element but they were all excited to learn. It was beautiful.”

Philippe Morgese Facebook
Philippe Morgese Facebook

Philippe won a contest and appeared on a TV show. The appearance resulted in dads from all across the country asking him for hair advice. The class was held at the International Academy and the owner was such a fan of the idea that he allowed Philippe to use the facility for free,


“The staff was very helpful and the room worked out perfect. I’m so thrilled that he is allowing us to be there. He isn’t charging me to use the classroom, and he was very excited about the idea. The man has a huge heart.”

Philippe Morgese Facebook
Philippe Morgese Facebook

Philippe not only purchased all of the supplies for the class, but the class was free for any dad that showed up, “I wanted to make a difference in my community and the best part for me is doing this with my daughter. That bond is incredible…..The turnout was great! I’m so proud of these dads for stepping up and building a better bond with their daughters.”

Philippe Morgese
Philippe Morgese