haunted mansion

Just in time for Halloween, why not discover your apartment/house’s deepest, haunting secrets!!

With every new home or apartment, there’s no telling what you’ll find – spiders in the corners, leaky toilets, or maybe some lost souls from the dead!

A new site is hoping to ease your anxiety by revealing your home’s dark secrets!!




The website is simply called Diedinhouse.com……. Couldn’t be any more blunt than that!

For just $11.99, the website will give you an in-depth history of who has died in your home. But not just natural deaths, it also includes accidents, suicides AND MURDERS!!!



FREAKY! The site will also letting you about some fun facts about the house, like say if there were any fires or if it was once a meth lab!




Found of the site, Roy Condrey, says this site is filling a huge need:

“A death in a home, especially a tragic death can impact its value by more than 25%,” DiedInHouse writes on its website. Up to 45% of Americans believe in ghosts. And while DiedInHouse may not know any ghosthunters, the information they provide could help people make informed decisions about selling their home.”


I don’t know about you, but when someone tells me a house is haunted, I’m all in!!!






(Images via Flickr)