Imgur / Gil Solano
Imgur / Gil Solano

While Gil Solano’s wife was giving birth, Gil was giving birth to the “Birthie,” the birth selfie. Gil took a selfie while his wife was in labour and we have to Gil credit for reaching a whole new level of awful.

At what point do we say as a society, “That’s enough. Selfies have ruined earth. Shut it down, we’re going to Mars.” Gil Solano, of Denver, Colorado, may just be the straw that broke the Camel’s back. Gil’s selfie while his wife is mid-giving birth is particularly awful when you look at the pain on his wife’s face. The only appropriate response to this photo is “Why? Why are you so awful Gil? Why are you the way that you are?” Check out the full thing below:


Imgur / Gil Solano
Imgur / Gil Solano


The photo went viral on Tuesday, after Gil posted the photo ion Reddit. He posted it with the caption, “My wife wanted to make sure that someone took a picture of the expression on our faces when our daughter was born today. So I took one.” However, nowhere in his wife’s request was “a picture of your grinning face and my pain spread all over the internet.




Reddit was not happy with post with one of the commenters saying, “She’s going to kick your a– for this” Another one read, “Humor is all about timing. Show her between contractions — hilarious. Show her during contractions — you’re now a patient yourself.”


And this user said what we were all thinking, “Guys! It’s day one. Go help your wives. Pick up child and put down the phone.” Exactly, PUT YOUR PHONE DOWN.




However, Gil insists that, it’s all good, and replied to the commenters, that he “actually took this pic to send to her brothers who kept asking how it was going,” he wrote. “I showed it to her in between pushes and she cracked up. Now I’m reading her all of you guys comments while she feeds our healthy 7lb 6 oz girl.”




When all the drama and birthie’s were done, Gil wrote on his personal Facebook page that “Eva Nell Solano was born at 2:09 p.m. without any complications. She’s … as pretty as her mother. Thanks to everyone for their prayers and well wishes, I promise to post pictures tomorrow.”


Gil Solano
Gil Solano


Can we all just agree that society would be a lot better if we banned phones and went back to pagers? Thanks.