
Can ANY good come of getting a parking ticket? In this case, yes!

Picture it.. You’re in a rush picking up last minute Christmas gifts and you come out to your car to see a big ol’ parking ticket sitting on the windshield.

The usual response? Swear/kick the air/curse the government/finally suck it up and go pay it

The Kentucky response? Take it as a great way to donate to those who need it!

For the second year in a row residents of Lexington, Kentucky have the option of paying their parking tickets with canned goods for the local homeless shelter. One parking ticket = approx 10 canned goods. Last year they had a huge response, and even raised over $14000!

Last year’s donations were only exclusive to expired parking meter fines, but this year it’s looking like the program will be open to all parking violations.

So GET ILLEGAL/GET CHARITABLE (I don’t think those words have ever been said together)