Jorge Figueroa/Flickr
Jorge Figueroa/Flickr

Megan Fox channeled her inner Hellen Lovejoy and asked why “won’t anybody think of the children.” In a recent interview she explains why she isn’t a fan of social media and how its hurting younger generations.

Megan Fox can be found on almost every social media platform and even though this is true, she doesn’t like it as much as it may seem.

She spent a total of 5 days on Twitter back in 2013 and even with that short time she couldn’t figure out why Twitter was so important.


Twitter/Megan Fox
Twitter/Megan Fox


In an interview with Entertainment Tonight on the set of TMNT 2, Fox says, “I think it’s really toxic for our youth culture. There is a hierarchy in schools of who’s the cool kid based on who has the most followers and who has the most likes. It’s a really terrible message to wake up every day and have your kids going, ‘Who liked my photo?’ and ‘Who’s following me?'”


Check out the full interview below:



And check out Megan Fox in her new role below!