
BEWARE…your Christmas decorations are no longer safe! A woman in Toronto has been stealing wreaths around the Summerhill neighbourhood.

Sabrina Magyar posted a security cam footage to Facebook on December 5th of a woman stealing a wreath from her front door. The video was taken at about 3am. Check it out below:





Tuesday night, another wreath was stolen in a neighbouring area and police are reporting that they suspect it is the same woman. Toronto Police Const. Craig Brister told BuzzFeed Canada, “As much as it’s tongue-in-cheek and people have had some fun with it, it’s a theft, it’s a crime. We do take it seriously,”  The National Post also reported that the two homeowners spent about $200 each on the wreaths.




I think the real story here is that TWO people went out of their way to buy $200 Christmas wreaths. I don’t think even Santa loves Christmas that much…