deadmau5 TV
deadmau5 TV

Deadmau5 has been open about not being a fan of Skrillex’s collaboration with Justin Bieber ‘Where Are U Now’, and during a livestream with his fans he opened up in a major way about why!

Back in August, Billboard reported that Skrillex called Deadmau5 an ‘a**hole’ during a radio interview and criticized his leadership qualities, saying, “I’ll always have love for Joel, because he’s put me on at an early time. But he’s an a–hole. And everyone knows that, he knows that. I think that’s kinda his thing. The one thing that is unfortunate about it is he has a record label and when you have a record label you’ve got to be a leader and he has people that are signed to him. I couldn’t imagine being a leader, going out [with] a public image being such a negative attitude.”

Deadmau5 wasn’t exactly a fan of Skrillex’s collaboration with Justin Bieber, ‘Where Are U Now’ reportedly calling the song ‘s**t’.

Flash forward to now, Deadmau5 went IN on the two, especially Justin Bieber in the video below!


***This is just part of the livestream***