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The Ellen Show YouTube

Gabrielle Newton just may be the ultimate ‘Belieber’. 

Please meet 22 year old Gabrielle Newton from Workshop, Nottinghamshire. She is such a fan of Justin Bieber that she legally changed her name to ‘Bieber’ so that she could feel closer to Justin.

Tom Maddick/
Tom Maddick/


She said her mother paid for her name change as a birthday present, ‘Even my boss calls me Justin now.

‘I always call Justin my husband when I talk to people. I say “I’ve got to go, my husband is just on the TV”.

How have people reacted to the name change?

“They find it a bit weird because we are not really married – if only we were. Just maybe one day.”

“I think Justin Bieber is the only man for me. I wouldn’t go out with anybody else except Bieber unless he had an identical twin or a lookalike.”

So when did this Justin obsession begin? Gabrielle says it all started back in 2009 after he released his single, ‘One Time’,

“Justin released his first single One Time when I was aged 16 and straight away I was obsessed. He was so cute with his floppy hair and riding his skateboard….I fell for him instantly. He makes us all so happy – Justin Bieber is my world”.How does she feel about Justin and his past troubles?

How does she feel about Justin and his past troubles?

‘I wouldn’t change anything about him. He has made mistakes and I think he needs to learn from them and I wouldn’t copy his bad boy antics, but I wouldn’t want to change him”.

She added, “I like him even more now than I did as a teenager. He has got very sexy with age – such great abs.

‘I think his sexiest moment was when he appeared in his boxers in the Calvin Klein advert or his new video when he is in his boxer shorts and all wet.”

So how would Gabrielle react if she ever met the Biebs?

She said: ‘To meet him would literally mean the world to me, it is my dream. “I want to thank him for all he has done for the Beliebers.’Whenever anything bad happens in the life or anyone gives me stick for anything, I just think to myself, what would Justin Bieber do? Then I shrug it off.”

“But honestly if I met him I would probably just burst into tears. I do think if I won the lottery I would probably end up stalking him, finding where he’s living and move there.’