Finding white people amongst the sea of other humans will no longer be a daunting task. Thanks to, you too can meet a white person!




The website’s founder, Sam Russell, is definitely not racist! He said, while we assume watching an episode of Duck Dynasty, via The Daily Beast“[interracial relationships] are fine! It’s [called] WhereWhitePeopleMeet. If you’re black, Asian, or Hispanic, and prefer white that’s great.” So anyone who only PREFERS the company of white people can join the site! Perfect!! Check out the ABC News feature below for more info on the site:



The Daily Beast also touches on the creation of the site, “[Sam] decided to create when he was home sick watching daytime television with his wife, Jodi.” They noticed the complete lack of advertising for white only dating sites and NEEDED to make a place just for their people!

Head over to to indulge in some great Caucasian culture!