It’s Sunday morning after a wild house party, your place is a disaster with remnants from the night before scattered all over your apartment.




Who should you call? In comes.. the Morning After Maids.




Two New Zealand residents, Rebecca Foley and Catherine Accurst have come up with one of the best ideas, cleaning up peoples apartments and bringing you the ultimate hangover food.. for a price.





Mashable says that, “booking fees range from $20 – $80 dependent on the size of your shindig, they will then charge you $30 an hour for both of them to scrub the place clean, before adding on a mileage cost for the travel to your hell hole of an apartment. Rubbish removal is $45 on top, if your outside bin is full. While cleaning up vomit comes in at a bargain $10 per area.”




They go on to say that “if you didn’t book in advance, you can order an emergency clean for an extra $50. On top of this, you can order food to be cooked — $25 a head for clean food, think granola, or $20 for diiiirty food, think Christina Aguilera — or get them to do a fast food run for $10 plus the cost of food.” 






Filed under: Cleaning, Hangover, Morning After Maids