If your money can’t buy someone’s love, you might as well ask for it back. A man from Siberia is suing his ex-girlfriend after she broke up with him when their vacation in Crimea didn’t go as planned.




Nina Zgurskaya (pictured above) and a Russian lawyer, who is choosing to remain anonymous, were together for two years before things ended in a lawsuit. They were on vacation for 12 days in Crimea, where Nina expected to be proposed to and when the vacation ended and there was no ring, Nina ended the entire relationship.




A few weeks later, her ex sued her for all the money he had spent while they were together, which was about 45,000 roubles. That’s about $864 Canadian Dollars. He told Russian television“She can’t prove that we were even in a relationship. I never said that I was giving her a present or a free ride. Is it immoral to go to court? Am I expected to give money to every woman on the street?”




Siberia’s Krasnodar regional court has already dismissed his claim, but he has already filed an appeal. The heart wants what it wants.



Filed under: Russia