A woman named Carmen Farias is suing SoulCycle because she fell off her bike while her instructor, Angela Davis, yelled at her and embarrassed her in the front of the rest of the class. The problem Farias ran, OR PEDALED, into, was that she tried to get off her bike mid-class and it wouldn’t stop spinning. If you’re familiar with SoulCycle, the bike’s in their cycling classes, don’t stop spinning until the class is over.




According to The Frisky, Farias says that nobody taught her how to use the bike and that she never signed a waiver. Farias also hasn’t disclosed how much she’s suing SoulCycle for.




No matter how much Angela Davis gets sued for, we think she’ll be fine. Oprah is a friend of Davis and a big fan of SoulCycle.



Never underestimate Oprah’s illuminati powers. #RIDEBABYRIDE



Filed under: cycling, Lawsuit, SoulCycle, suing