So in case you missed it, Taylor Swift and Calvin Harris broke up and people on the Internet lost their collective minds.

Then this past week, Taylor was spotted kissing actor Tom Hiddleston and people REALLY went crazy.

Unfortunately, as is often the case with Taylor Swift and her relationships, the narrative quickly turns very sexist and she often is the subject of slut-shaming.

Amber Rose, a staunch activist against slut shaming and allowing women to embrace their sexuality spoke with The Daily Beast and defended Taylor,

“I love Taylor, for sure. Absolutely.”

She added, “And I feel like guys do that all the time — they break up and the next day they’re with another girl and nobody really says anything. But with Taylor it’s, you know what, ‘I’m done with Calvin and it didn’t work out, so on to the next.’”

On the backlash Taylor receives, Amber said “It is because it’s unheard of, and she’s acting very ‘slutty’ and for some reason needs time to ‘let her p*ssy rest.’ That’s how people look at it, and it’s just like, hell no! If I’m done, why do I have to sit in the house and be lonely?”

Thoughts on what Amber had to say? Do you agree or disagree with her?

Filed under: Amber Rose, Calvin Harris, Taylor Swift, Tom Hiddleston