Star Wars Celebration held this week in London has brought a bunch of new hope to Star Wars fans. Not only did fans receive behind the scenes footage in the above trailer and a brand spanking new poster, they also saw DARTH VADER.




Only fans who attended the festival were privy to the trailer with Mr Vader, but we can all imagine the intensity of seeing the Death Star commander. As Gizmodo writes, “New ships flying over a desert planet, on a jungle planet—which we learned is called Scarif—then lots of shots from the old trailer, all set to pulse pounding music. Then, we see a red reflection of the glossy floor, probably from a display in the Death Star and in it, a very famous outline and then that famous breathing. It’s Darth Vader. This felt really short so, it may be a piece in a trailer that comes out in the near future.”



Even though we can’t see Darth Vader, we can see the new Rouge One poster! Check it out below:

Looks incredible!! Can’t wait for December 16th!!!


Filed under: Rouge One, Star Wars