41-year old Dutch resident Alexander Pieter Cirk flew all the way to China to meet his 26-year old online girlfriend…who never showed to meet him.

Mashable says that Cirk made headlines when he was “hospitalised for exhaustion after spending 10 days waiting for his online girlfriend at Changsha Huanghua International Airport in China. The woman, identified only by her surname Zhang.”


Zhang admitted that she thought Cirk was just joking when he send her the pictures of his flight tickets; according to her he didn’t contact her before he left. He waited to contact her when he landed in China.

To get to the bottom as to why she left him stranded at the airport for 10 days is because she “had turned off her phone as she was undergoing cosmetic surgery procedures in another Chinese city.”

Good news though! Cirk was released from the hospital and returned to the Netherlands, however, him and Zhand have made plans to meet in person once she has recovered from her cosmetic surgery!


Hopefully he doesn’t leave her hanging in the airport hanger.


Filed under: Online Dating