Completely normal child, Saha Obama, is just like us common folk! This summer she’ll be working at one her family’s favourite places, ‘Nancy’s Restaurant’ in Martha’s Vineyard. US Magazine says that The Obama family vacations there every summer for a few weeks, and this year, 15 year-old Sasha is “learning how to work the cash register, bus tables, and get the restaurant ready for its lunchtime rush.”



Like every normal kid, Sasha works a solid hours and is always accompanied by six Secret Service Agents. And as with most jobs regular people have, Sasha will only be employed for two weeks. She started last week and will work continue through this week until her family leaves for vacation at which point she’ll retire from the grind.


Meanwhile, Sasha’s older sister Malia Obama is living a different lifestyle.


Get it Girls!




Filed under: Malia Obama, Sasha Obama, Summer Job