Much like Ryerson Frosh 2015, Drake University REALLY wants to see Drake come visit the campus.. and why not!? They DO share the same name!

So they asked him to do exactly that through a social media campaign called #BringDrakeToDrake

People are “passionate” to say the least..

They even made a full blown video complete with an …interesting.. remake of ‘One Dance’!

Bring Drake to Drake from Megan Rush on Vimeo.


So DID Drizzy show up after his show last evening? Did he make everyone’s dreams come true? Did he grant DrakeU their wish?


Sadly, he didn’t do a full blown meet and greet after the show on campus, and many were disappointed.. until they became even more disappointed when they realized DRAKE DID INDEED STOP BY LIKE A SNEAKY SNAKE IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT!!!



Whether or not he actually updated his Instagram story live to tell the students he was on sight, no one is sure.. but just like that, the magical unicorn AKA Champagne Papi was gone into the night..

Such a majestic man.

drake 4

Filed under: Drake, Drake University