A man in Maine was arrested this week for dressing up as a tree and blocking traffic. His friends say that he was branching out into a new field and studying traffic patterns.



The man, who’s name is ASHER WOODWORTH (seriously, you can’t make that up), says that he was doing this as part of a performance piece. Time.com writes, “The speed, he said, was key to the performance.’ ‘I’m a tireless advocate for slowness and quietness and stillness. We could use a lot of those things in the world right now,’ Woodworth told TIME on Tuesday. ‘I guess I was just meditating one day, and this very clear vision of this performance came into my head. I knew I needed to do it.'”


Woodworth completed the costume in about two hours and seems to have no regrets about the entire endeavour. He was released on $60 and is due back in court on December 1st.



What a sap…