Grand Theft Auto can be a pretty “aggressive” game.. right?


A little?


Just a tad..

gta 3


Yup, it can get pretty intense.. but is it to blame for this story coming out of Toronto over the weekend?


This is not good at all. An 11 year old kid is making headlines after he played GTA and then took his parents car for a little spin on Highway 400 Saturday night. Fellow drivers called police thinking there was a drunk driver out and about because of the crazy driving, but turned out it was a pre-teen with his parents whip..


From CityNews

The vehicle was travelling northbound from Major Mackenzie Drive to King Road.

Police pursued the vehicle but the driver refused to pull over, instead travelling at half the speed limit before accelerating to well over the limit.

“Well over the speed limit, 120 or more km per hour,” Sgt. Schmidt said.

Police eventually managed to pull the vehicle over without incident.

“Shockingly it was an 11 year old kid who had just finished playing Grand Theft Auto at home and wanted to find out what it was like to drive a car,” adding it was a very dangerous stunt.

“Here we have an influence of a video game making kids try things without their parent’s knowledge or consent.”

Schmidt said the boy was returned to his parents custody.”

This could have been absolutely tragic! Hopefully the kid learns his lesson, and other’s learn to keep the game on the screen and not on the streets