Comedian and actress Amy Schumer is set to play Barbie in the new Sony, live-action Barbie film, which will be released sometime in the summer of 2018.

However, film critics are already addressing issues about Amy’s body type and how she should not play the part because she is not the same size as Barbie.

The purpose of this film: to address issues of identity, self-image and awareness on perfection and how it comes from the inside and not the outside.

Amy is the type to voice her opinion and once she heard the comments, she posted a picture of herself wearing a bathing suit on Instagram and sent a very clear message to all the internet trolls,

“Where’s the shame? It’s not there. It’s an illusion. When I look in the mirror I know who I am. I’m a great friend, sister, daughter and girlfriend. I’m a bad*ss comic headlining arenas all over the world and making TV and movies and writing books.  Thanks to everyone for the kind words and support.  And again my deepest sympathy goes out to the trolls who are in more pain than we will ever understand. I want to thank them for making it so evident that I am a great choice [for the Barbie role]. It’s that kind of response that let’s you know something’s wrong with our culture and we all need to work together to change it.”

Filed under: Amy Schumer