Ed Sheeran gave his fans the best start to the new year by revealing that he was releasing new music later this week (Friday).


Today, he posted another tweet revealing the exact time that we can expect his new music to arrive, 5:00AM GMT/Midnight EST.


He may have also released his album’s new title: ‘Divide’.

The math symbol for ‘divide’ appears in the video above which would follow a similar pattern for Ed when it comes to album titles; His 2011 debut album was + (‘plus’) and his 2014 album was, ‘x’ (‘multiply’).

Last year, Ed was asked in an interview with Entertainment Weekly is ‘divide’ or ‘subtract’ could be album titles that he uses in the future, he said, “They’re the two choices, but I don’t know what direction the album’s gonna go in yet. Every title has its own theme. x was called ‘multiply’ because it made everything that was on + bigger. From the venues to the songs to the radio plays to the sales.”

Whatever Ed’s new music is titled, we know that we are very excited for it!

Filed under: Ed Sheeran, Entertainment Weekly