Meet singer Marcia Favre and her boyfriend Joseph.



The two have been together for 10 years, but they have a bit of an unconventional relationship: Marcia dates other men for money.

She meets her dates on the website,, which is a site that hooks up rich men with younger, attractive women; the men are asked how much they are willing to spend on their date.

Marcia says, “I’d been on a dating site before and had a lot of people writing to me and I thought I should get paid for this and so I saw about what’s your price. Typically I deal with older men, like older, rich people with grey hair and the whole old look.”

Marcia has done pretty well for herself being a “professional dater”; she earns between $100-$300 per date and even made $1500 for a date that lasted only 30 minutes.

The one thing Marcia is VERY strict on is having a No Sex Policy.

She said: “I think escorting is more of the girl hangs out with the guy, it’s like arm candy. That is something that I am totally not interested in. Some men wanna have dinner and that’s something I’m not interested in because I don’t want to waste time.I try to make it quick meets in bars – a glass or two of Champagne or a whisky – and then I dash out the door. I try to rush the ‘interview’ so that I don’t have to stay for too long. It feels like an interview – that’s why I call it that.I have never been approached about sex. Never. I never let them feel familiar with me.”

So how does Joseph feel about Marcia’s profession?

He said, “There have been a lot of other things that I have done as a musician in New York City to make a living. I mean you gotta be creative, you know. And so I realized that she’s going out to have drinks with men who are willing to pay her, so now she has money to take me out for drinks. So, I’m totally fine with it!”

How did he react when Marcia first told him about her profession?

She said, “When I first told him, he kind of chuckled. He was like: ‘Are you serious? People actually pay you to have drinks and dinner?’ I said: ‘Yeah they do’ and he kinda laughed.”

While Joseph is supportive, he would like her to quit at some point saying, “I wouldn’t ask her to stop. It’s fine. It doesn’t cause any problem between us. She makes very good money doing it. The more drinks she has with men that are paying for her, the nicer dinners that I get to go out to.I mean would I rather she not do it? Of course I wish we were independently wealthy and flying around the world and taking vacations instead of doing what we have to do for money, but you know it is what it is.”

Marcia knows some people will judge her but she doesn’t mind and has even convinced her mother that it’s a good idea,

She added, “I totally recommend it. Need $150? Bam there you go. It’s just that simple.I literally show up, have a drink, talk about nothing and get paid. It’s pretty easy money, it really is. I think it’s a great idea, I really do. I have made $1,500 in a week just for having a glass of Champagne or two.”

She concludes, “It’s a great hustle; it’s a great way to make money. I think it’s brilliant.”

Check out the full story from The Mirror UK

Here’s Marcia’s Instagram page.

Filed under: Barcroft Media, Marcia Favre