Pierce Brosnan is finally back on the small screen!

It’s been 30 years since he was in every moms dreams as Remington Steele, and now he is taking on the west in AMC’s ‘The Son’, which is Based on The New York Times best-selling and Pulitzer Prize nominated novel by Philipp Meyer.

When Pierce came to Toronto to promote ‘The Son’ he sat down with Damnit Maurie of The Roz & Mocha Show, and naturally, things turned to his charming good looks, and the beard he rocked while filming the show in Texas.

Maurie asked if he finds beards sexy, he replied with a laugh, “Do I find it sexy? I’m too sexy for my beard!” He went on to say that the reason he sported the scruff was solely for the role. “Well, the men of that period had facial hair, so I started growing the beard as soon as I said yes to the job.”

Also, Maurie asked what his wife thought of the beard, “My wife loved the beard, she grew very fond of it. But she was even more happy to have it off my face at the end of three months,” he noted, adding she didn’t complain about it being itchy or bothering her skin. “She kissed me and she liked my kisses with the beard!”

Things turned to James Bond when Maurie asks Pierce about one saying “I was never good enough as Bond”, to which Pierce said “oh deer, oh dear that was a foolish thing to say! My wife kicked my knees for it.” I’m guessing his wife Keely would agree with most of the us that he was an amazing James Bond. He went on to tell Maurie, “You always feel like you could have done better.. ” and then shocked us by saying “I adored playing him, but i would never go back to playing him” darn!

The best part of Damnit Maurie’s chat with Pierce was right at the start when Maurie insists Pierce is British no matter how many times he tells Maurie that he’s Irish. Plus, Pierce shares a few lines from ‘The Son’ in a Texas accent, and has Maurie try and recite them back.

Roz & Mocha had such a laugh listening to their interview:


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The Roz & Mocha Show

Roz & Mocha Chat With Pierce Brosnan About His New AMC Show "The Son"!

Originally Aired: March 16, 2017


‘The Son’ traces the transformation of Eli McCullough (Pierce Brosnan) from good-natured innocent to calculating killer.  He loses everything on the wild frontier, setting him on the path to building a ranching-and-oil dynasty of unsurpassed wealth and privilege. The series deftly explores how Eli’s ruthlessness and quest for power triggers consequences that span generations, as the McCullough’s rise to become one the most powerful family dynasties in Texas.




Filed under: Damnit Maurie, Pierce Brosnan, Roz & Mocha, The Son