Scientists in France are looking for 10 people in a study that involves nothing but laying in bed all day long. Willing participants can get paid $15,000+ for doing nothing, for two months straight.




Of course, when something sounds too good to be true, it usually is… UPROXX outlines the strings attached:

  • The participant must lay down on their back for the entire 60 days
  • Participants must be a healthy young male with a specific BMI (sorry ladies)
  • Participants must have their head tilted 6 degrees below horizontal levels
  • Participants could get bed sores



But guys don’t let those rules scare you off! There are some pros…

  • Participants CAN turn themselves on the condition that one shoulder is on the bed at all times (Heck yes! I can get on board with that)
  • You can lay in bed for two months watching Netflix and listening to Podcasts




BRB, currently working on my application.

Filed under: Science