Powerful PSA Shows What A Day is Like For An Autistic Child
by shem on April 9, 2017, 01:04pm. EST
As part of Autism Awareness Month in the UK, The National Autistic Society released a powerful PSA called ‘Make It Stop’.
The video features a 12-year-old girl named Holly who has autism. The video shows Holly having interactions with everyone from her father, to the school bus driver to classmates and we quickly see how these simple interactions begin to take their toll on her.
Holly, as a voiceover in the video says, “I’m autistic and sometimes I get too much information.”
The YouTube description of the video says, “It’s as if my brain is too crowded ? and about to explode. But by taking a minute, you can give an autistic person like me the time they need. Understand autism, the person, and the change you can make.”
The young girl in the video says the campaign is personal for her as she used the PSA to educate her classmates about her experiences with autism, “If just one person sees the film and is more understanding to autistic people, I’ll be happy…Sometimes I get really upset that people do not understand autism. But I hope this campaign will help improve understanding and make other people who are autistic feel more accepted.”
The National Autistic Society released a similar video last year which you can watch below.