United Airlines is at it again. But don’t expect an apology this time.




A local Houston news station is reporting that United Airlines kicked off a couple who were on their way to their wedding in Costa Rica. BUUUUUTTTTTT, there’s two sides to this story.




When the couple boarded the plane, they found a man in their seats, so they sat down in a new section. This new section was higher priced ticket than the pair had paid for. Uproxx explains, “the couple had chosen seats in a different economy price range and rather than simply pay the difference in fare to stay in those particular seats they refused to move back to the normal economy area and refusing to follow instructions. At that point, attendants politely asked them to leave the flight and they complied with no further issues or interference from outside authorities.”


Check out the full news story above. Someone needs to hand out more Pepsi’s on airplanes.


Filed under: United Airlines